Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Great Talk with Dad... 30/09/08

Managed to have a quick chat with Dad. Needed his help on some questions pertaining to the project that I am working on.

I wonder how it got diverted to talking about cars. Perhaps it was the F1 race? Anyway, my favorite car has always been Audi. And Dad so happened to see one as his sent his car for some minor repair this morning. He commented that Audi cars have this certain enigma and class. Haha... And he chanced upon the newer versions smaller salon version what was on their way to the Audi showroom.

We had a friendly debate over the price of the car and after some verification, a 1.8L costs well over 140K. Yes! That's as good as driving a house around... Given a down payment of 10% and a loan for 10 years, every month is a whooping 1K installments. Haha... *speechless*

No matter what, Audi will still be my dream car.

In conclusion, best way to strike a conversation with a guy; cars.

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