Had tuition at Jos' place. He was disruptive as usual but I won't be teaching him for long so, I'll endure. In fact, it's not that bad though I seem to be grumbling about my weekly ordeal more often than none.
I reached T1 about 9:20PM and finally got on to my dinner:
The food is actually quite nice but it's kind of ex!
This is going to sound lame but I enjoyed my trip back home, in the backseat of the car with Dad behind the wheels and my Mum at the passenger's. It reminded me of the many trips I had when I was young where I would do just that.
Judging from my folks discussion on the trip, I could tell they had a wonderful time. =P I guess meeting up with their godson's GF and also our relatives in Xiamen really made this trip even more enjoyable!
Yup! The gal in the photo is their godson's GF. Looks like a tai tai ya?! Haha... She is! Their marriage might be in Dec! Whao! They are actually one year younger than I. Haha...
Great to hear that my relatives in Xiamen are doing well. Seems like the cousin that I stayed with when I was in Xiamen the other time had gotten a new flat! In fact, he has gotten a new condo! Those that comes with a private swimming pool! Haha... They are doing so much better than us and, he's a taxi driver! From what I gathered then, he has been really thrifty and hardworking and I guess he is still so right now. =P I forgot to mention too, he is renting out the old flat which I stayed in. Talking about real-life Cashflow 101? I guess he is definitely a good epitome. He wished for me and my elder bro to visit them the next time my parents are back for visiting. And, I wish for that too! Heard that Xiamen is becoming more and more developed!
I was watching the Taiwan and China clips which my parents made. We had such a good laugh and my Mum was so enthu to share with me all the clips and pictures taken. Man! How I wish I am part of them! Haha...
I'm really glad my folks are back in SIngapore!
Had a little brush with my friend. Pretty perturbed as well but after a brief thought and DBs, I'm cool and acknowledge my short-coming. Lorraine made some interesting remarks which I thought are quite pretty true...
"... the closer we are, the more details we know about one another. Maybe that's where the irritation comes from. Guess that's where expectations of a close friend comes in too. Like 'so old liao still handle things like that'...
Honestly, I can't agree more. Perhaps we know one another so well (or least that's what we assume) that we tend to take them for granted. We may do or say some things that are rather insensitive and ignorant to our friends' feelings (which I am so guilty of) without knowing. I hope to change that bad habit of mine! I figured it out that the friction comes with familiarity. Haha...
The bottom line is, know where to draw the line. From all the crap that has happened to me, I only conclude the importance of family. No matter how much we yearn to be by ourselves, having a place to go back to at the end of the day (aka home) is important.
I'm really glad that Dad has given me my china chinese ancestry; to be able to say proudly that my relatives are from Xiamen. I've seen so many friends' around me where they either lose themselves in their self-denial of any connection with their china ancestries or demean the ROC as a whole. I seem to be advocating the opposite and I guess that was why many of my army friends thought I was from a China guy. Er... Still, I would like to visit States!
I'm in a sudden mood for crapping and so much so as been written, I wanna thank for you enduring my balderdash this far.
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