It has been a while since my band of sisters, just us alone, gathered together for a simple supper. I think the last was at Hong Kong Cafe back when I was serving my ordeal at Keppel?Anyway, it was a great session. Our conversation pretty much revolved around schools and teaching, since members of the "sisterhood" are all part of the teaching profession, coincidentally.
Had a great laugh at some of the wackiest answers which Mich's students gave during their exams. It's pretty evident that she is enjoying what she is doing right now; teaching of cause though I do not rule out the slightest possibility of her deriving satisfaction from torturing the young souls. Haha...

It daunts on me how our conversation topics have changed, according to the different stages of our lives. As much as I hate to admit, I'm growing old and it seems to be on an accelerated rate. I think I'm suffering from "Peter Pan Syndrome" for this is not the first time I lament about my reluctance in growing up. I am still grappling with the much dreaded truth that I am turning 25, into my mid twenties...
Anyway, heard a rather interesting remark from Mich earlier on too. She was using me as a comparison to encourage her better half. Can't remember the exact sentence but I think it went something like "QC is 24 and still a student with no job" or something along the line. I know she meant no harm in her casual remark but it just hit on me as I was thinking of the very same issue too.
I was communicating with my friend via SMSes and I was told he was having ice-cream at Dempsey. Hym... The first thing that came to my mind was "Whao! Fancy eating ice-cream at Dempsey!" That's something I don't see myself doing, since Dempsey is infamous for exotic food at exorbitant prices. I guess that's because I'm still a student and I don't have a big wallet to finance such ostentatious lifestyle.
You're probably just as confused with the point I am trying to make. Haha... I think I am trying to say that it takes much more for 2 people of even a click of friends to "click" now than before.
I think I'm pretty close to give up trying. Okay! I clearly have much more important things to attend to...
hmm... so you mean, we don't click now? let's go Dempsey on Sat! hee~
Dumb Dumb...
I'm not saying US...
It's someone else... DUR!?
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